WRCAC Communique March 2019

The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council met on 7 March 2019.

The following items were discussed:

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)

A draft bulletin with information on IMEs was considered by the Council and approved to be published on the NT WorkSafe website.

National Return to Work Strategy – Update

The Council noted that a consultation period was held in November and December 2018 where 37 submissions were received. The strategy will be discussed at the next Safe Work Australia – Workers Compensation meeting.

National Certificate of Capacity – Update

The Council noted that a conference is being held with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners to review the National Certificate of Capacity. It was noted that some jurisdictions require specific information to be included, with the certificate remaining as a two page document to allow jurisdictions to include the relevant information.

Gazette/Recommended Rates – Caps on Premium Percentage Increases

A member raised concerns on the difficult situation faced by small businesses when they receive significant premium increases. It was suggested that the Northern Territory should have some mechanism to control large increases similar to Western Australia.

The Council discussed the possible impacts this could create for the scheme and for insurers. It was determined that further information was required to allow the Council to reach an informed decision on this topic. A working group was discussed to obtain information to present to the Council for consideration.

Other Business –

Membership to the Council

Council membership expires on 14 March 2019.