WRCAC Communique November 2018

The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council met on 8 November 2018.

The following items were discussed:

Alternative Employer Incentive Scheme (AEIS)

The AEIS is being reviewed in consultation with Insurers and a standard contract is being developed.

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)

The Council discussed issues that have been identified on the effectiveness of Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs). It was suggested that the way in which IMEs are used should be reviewed. The Council noted the complexities of treating injured workers in the Northern Territory (NT) due to geographical location and the transient population. It was also identified that workers may not understand the role of an IME. Potential ways were discussed on how to provide additional information to stakeholders around the IME process.

Permanent Impairment Assessments for Progressive Disease (Cancer)

The Council were advised that changes to guidelines for maximum medical improvement for progressive disease were approved and that the guide has been updated.

Non-Cash Benefits

The Council discussed if the wording ‘provided to’ a worker in section 49A (3)(d) of the Return to Work Act should be better defined. General discussion took place on the history of non-cash benefits and how the current definition arose out of concession and trade-off. General consensus was that it was a topic for the next general review of the legislation.

National Return to Work Survey

It was reported to the Council that the National Return to Work Survey has been completed and has now been published on the Safe Work Australia website. The Council noted the results of the survey.

National Return to Work Strategy

Council noted that a discussion paper has been released Australia wide to consult with various stakeholders on the proposed National Return to Work Survey.

National Certificate of Capacity

It was report to Council that this project is still in progress and advised that there is a consensus to adopt a national certificate. What this would mean for GPs is that there would only be one certificate in the system for a worker from any jurisdiction. The Council discussed how people may interrupt the name of the certificate.

Other Business:

Minutes published on NT WorkSafe website

The Council approved for a communique to be published on the NT WorkSafe website.


Council membership expires on 14 March 2019. Advertising for expressions of interests will commence 14 November 2018.

Annual Report 2017-2018

The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council Annual Report 2017-18 was tabled during the October sittings and is now published on the NT WorkSafe website.