Find a licensed electrical contractor

Always use a licenced electrical contractor to do your electrical work.

It is illegal for you to do your own electrical work if you’re unlicensed or to offer a licensed electrical worker cash to do a job.

The difference between a licenced electrical contractor and a worker

Licensed electrical worker – is a qualified person who has completed the required training and has been licensed to do electrical work. A Licensed electrical worker (as known as an electrician) must be employed by someone else and is not allowed to work for themselves or invoice a customer.

Licensed electrical contractor – is a company whose director(s) have completed additional training and qualifications to gain an electrical contractor’s licence. The company director is usually an experienced licensed electrical worker, or will have experienced licensed electrical worker known as a nominated person. The nominated person is responsible for ensuring all electrical work done by the company complies with the electrical safety laws and the relevant Australian Standards.

Licensed electrical contractors can issue electrical certificates of compliance which is your warranty that electrical work is performed to the relevant standard and is safe.

  • Whether you are hiring an electrical contractor for your workplace or your home, you have an important role to help keep their workers safe. All electrical work is dangerous and it is important that the electrical worker disconnects the power so they can work safely.

    Schedule a time when they can work at your home or business with the power turned off.