Information for workers

Workers’ compensation is financial compensation provided to workers who become injured or ill as a result of their work, and may include compensation to cover loss of earnings, permanent impairment, medical expenses, and workplace rehabilitation to assist them to return to work.

Any worker who suffers a work related injury or disease requiring medical treatment or time off work is entitled to claim workers’ compensation, regardless of who was at fault.

If a worker is involved in a motor vehicle accident travelling to and from work, they can make a claim under the Motor Accidents Compensation (MAC) Scheme, which is administered by Territory Insurance Office (TIO) with the Motor Accidents Compensation Commission having oversight into the management of the MAC Scheme.

The NT WorkSafe 'workers' compensation claim form' is the only approved form for lodging a workers' compensation claim in the Northern Territory. In the event of a work related injury or disease, an employer or worker should download this form. The form may be completed by typing into the online form or printed out and hand written.

A worker is entitled to claim compensation if they suffer an injury or disease which arises out of or in the course of their employment. Out of or in the course of employment can include travelling for various work related purposes, for example:

  • whilst travelling by the shortest route between place of residence and workplace that is not the worker's normal or usual workplace at the request of their employer
  • travelling from home to work, that is outside normal working hours as a result of a call out by an employer whether paid for the call out travel or not

Video Resources

The below videos have been developed to give helpful information about workers compensation:

Related Forms and Resources

Definition of a Worker
Guidelines for the settling of journey claims
Independent Medical Examinations
Injured at work poster
Workers compensation claim form
Sudden Loss and the Grief that Follows Guide
Workers guide to workers compensation