Disposal of shopgoods fireworks

This information bulletin provides guidance on the disposal of unused or defective shopgoods fireworks following Territory Day Celebrations.

Shopgoods fireworks should not be:

  • Thrown away
  • Put in with rubbish, or
  • Dumped.

Unused shopgoods fireworks disposed in this manner may become a safety risk to others.


Under Regulation 140 (1) of the Dangerous Goods Regulations 1985, it is an offence to ignite or possess shopgoods fireworks outside the approved period.

The approved period for possession of shopgoods fireworks for 2024 is between 9am Monday 1 July and 12 noon Wednesday 3 July. A person who uses or is in possession of shopgoods fireworks outside of the approved period is in breach of the Dangerous Goods Regulations and may face prosecution.

As it is illegal to throw, ignite or explode shopgoods fireworks in any amount without a permit other than on 1st July between 6pm and 11pm for Territory Day celebrations, it is recommended that members of the public only purchase quantities they are able to ignite during this period.

What to do with unused or defective shopgoods fireworks?

NT WorkSafe encourages any person with unused or defective shopgoods fireworks to confidentially hand them into NT WorkSafe offices located in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs. Shopgoods fireworks handed into NT WorkSafe will be disposed of in a safe manner. No personal details will be asked of any person handing in shopgoods fireworks.

DarwinGround floor, Building 3
Darwin Corporate Park
631 Stuart Highway, Berrimah
Katherine1st Floor, Big Rivers Government Centre
5 First St, Katherine
Alice SpringsGround Floor, The Green Well Building
50 Bath Street