Exemptions from the Wiring Rules or Electricity Reform Act 2000 and Regulations

This information bulletin was developed to inform industry, electrical contractors and electricians of the procedures to follow when applying for exemptions from the:

  • Standards Australia AS/NZS 3000:2018 Wiring Rules, or
  • Electricity Reform Act 2000 (the Act) and the Electricity Reform (Safety and Technical) Regulations 2000 (the Regulations).

Standards Australia AS/NZS 3000:2018 Wiring Rules has been applied on a mandatory basis from 1 January 2019. All contractors must be fully conversant with AS/NZS 3000:2018.

Procedure for requesting exemptions

  1. Requests for exemptions from the requirements of the Wiring Rules or the Act and Regulations shall be forwarded in writing to:
  2. Electricity Safety Regulator
    NT WorkSafe
    Department of Attorney-General and Justice
    GPO Box 1722
    DARWIN NT 0801

  3. The Electricity Safety Regulator will give all decisions in writing.
  4. In general, exemptions and relaxation to rules etc. should not be considered to be a routine matter. Approval should never be assumed. Approval will be given only in special circumstances.

Note: Exemptions from the requirements of the network operator, Power and Water Corporation, in regard to servicing or metering etc. should be sought directly from Power and Water.