Incident information release

Lack of training and not following manufacturer guidelines contributing to incidents involving plant

Four separate incidents have occurred in the last three months involving plant, with a lack of training and not following manufacturer guidelines contributing to all incidents. Three of the incidents resulted in injuries to workers.

Workers wearing heavy PPE warned to take extra precautions during heatwaves

Two Territory workers wearing heavy personal protective equipment (PPE) have been hospitalised with heat related illnesses in the last three months despite their worksites having adequate systems, facilities and hydration supplies in place to manage heat.

Unsecured septic tanks lids still being found in the Northern Territory despite previous warning

NT WorkSafe is again urging all workplaces across the Territory to check septic tank lids on their property to ensure they are safe and secured. The call extends to organisations that manage or maintain residential properties with septic tanks as part of their business or undertaking.

Territory workers continue to ignore falls from height risks

NT WorkSafe is reminding all businesses and workers of the risks of working at heights, and the requirements to manage those risks.

Workplaces urged to be vigilant of melioidosis

NT WorkSafe is urging all Territory workplaces to be vigilant of melioidosis and ensure their workers are protected from the risks of the disease.

Butane canister explosion injures kitchen staff

A worker suffered burn injuries last week in Palmerston after a butane gas canister exploded in a kitchen.

Worker suffers burns after arc flash incident

Last month, a refrigeration worker suffered arc flash burns while working on an electrical cubicle of a newly installed chiller, which had been imported into Australia.

Two workers hospitalised during season’s first heatwave

Two Top End workers have been hospitalised with heat related illnesses mid last month during the Northern Territory’s first heatwave for the 2023 build-up.

Electrician lucky to escape arc flash injury

An electrician was lucky to escape serious injury after an arc flash occurred in the electrical sub-board he was working on.

Four workers injured in separate angle grinder incidents

Four separate angle grinder incidents injuring Territory workers have occurred within a five week period.