Unauthorised access to work areas

The purpose of this Safety Alert is to highlight the dangers of having unauthorised persons within the work area.


To raise awareness for businesses that allow unauthorised access (general public admission) to workshops, work and storage areas that can result in serious injury. Children are particularly at risk when accessing these areas. The following factors and actions need to be considered to ensure hazards are identified and mitigated.

Contributing factors

  • No separation or demarcation of ‘high risk’ areas.
  • Unauthorised access to workshop, work and storage areas.
  • Inappropriate storage of equipment and materials.
  • No risk assessment or hazard identification in workshop areas.
  • Customers waiting in workshop, work and storage areas.

Action required

  • No access signage erected to warn unauthorised persons and to be policed by staff.
  • Install barriers for work areas that take into consideration access and egress to work areas.
  • Appropriate storage of materials, tools and equipment, for example, the use of shelving or similar.
  • Identification and risk management of potential hazards.

Further information


Codes of practice
