Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council

Update on Council memberships and expressions of interest (EOI) for a full council 2023- 2025

Members were reminded to clarify if they wish to be considered for the chair/deputy chair or just a member when submitting their EOIs for the new council.

Injured Workers and Family Forum Subcommittee (the Forum)

On 17 November 2022, the Minister wrote to the Chairs of the Council and the Work Health and Safety Advisory Council in response to their letter sent to the previous Minister, the Hon Selena Uibo. The Minister noted the Forums findings, accepting and accepting in principle their recommendations and advising that the national principles have been endorsed by the Northern Territory and that NT WorkSafe will be working on developing resources in collaboration with the Coroners Court and other stakeholders.

The Minister accepted the Councils offer to have the forums recommendations continue as permanent agenda items for the Councils meeting to ensure that the activities will continue to receive the appropriate level and quality of support.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be scheduled when the new Council is appointed.