Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council

ICT Systems

It was noted by the Council members that this matter is to remain a standing item and no further update from the action officer was required at this time.

Delivering notices of statutory event electronically

All members endorsed the notion to carry this item over to the next meeting, 8 August 2024, by the action officer to provide a more in-depth update.

Additional presumptive cancers for Firefighters, Correctional Officers included in the definition of first responders

Council members revisited and re-confirmed their support for the following:

  • Inclusion of seven additional cancers to the prescribed diseases and qualifying periods for firefighters in the Northern Territory under Regulation 5B:
DiseasesQualifying period
Primary site cervical cancer10 years
Primary site ovarian cancer10 years
Primary site penile cancer15 years
Primary site uterine cancer10 years
Primary site pancreatic cancer10 years
Primary site thyroid cancer10 years
Malignant Mesothelioma15 years
  • Inclusion of correctional officers, as defined under section 4 of the Correctional Services Act 2014, in the ‘first responder’ definition in Regulation 3.

The Council was advised that the Minister has approved the drafting of the amendments to the Return to Work Regulations 1986 and this is well under way.  It is anticipated that the amended Regulations, if approved, be considered at the Executive Council meeting 27 June 2024 with the regulations being made on the same day.

Minister correspondence to Council

The Council acknowledged the correspondence from the Minister.

Other Business

NT WorkSafe website

Council members individual email addresses have been removed from the website and replaced with as agreed for business continuity and ease of distribution.

Next meeting

The next meeting is proposed for 8 August 2024.

Council Secretariat