Understand the new electrical safety laws during Electrical Safety Week
Electrical Safety Week starts next week to promote the safe use of electricity in the home and the workplace.
With new electrical safety laws recently commencing in the Territory, NT WorkSafe is hosting free webinars over two weeks this year providing information on the new laws.
The Electrical Safety Act and Regulations apply wherever electricity is used, including private residences, workplaces and public spaces. The laws also apply to any person who could affect the electrical safety of others.
The laws introduce a new licensing framework for electrical contractors and workers, with electrical licenses now issued by NT WorkSafe.
To support the electrical industry with the change of legislation, there are webinars on the new licensing framework, requirements of the new laws and a demonstration of the online certificates of compliance which will be free for industry use.
NT WorkSafe Executive Director Peggy Cheong, who is also the Electricity Safety Regulator, said the new laws are designed to keep Territorians safe from electrical safety risks and prevent property damage.
“There is a webinar specific for homeowners and members of the community on how the electrical safety laws are designed to keep you safe,” Ms Cheong said.
“The laws provide increased consumer protections for non-compliant electrical work, including a new complaints process for consumers.”
For more information on the webinars and to register, visit worksafe.nt.gov.au/events