Gas appliance
The Northern Territory Dangerous Goods Regulations requires all gas appliances to be approved.
The Gas Technical Regulators Committee (GTRC) National Certification Database provides all stakeholders with information in relation to certified products as well as the certification status of the product. This information is updated typically on a monthly basis.
Refer to the National Database of Certified Gas Appliances to identify that your appliance is certified for use in Australia.
Australian standards set out the minimum safety requirements and current industry practice. Where referred to in legislation, these standards become law and must be complied with. The Dangerous Goods Regulations require conformance with the following standards for gas installations:
- AS/NZS 1425 LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle engines
- AS/NZS 1596 The storage and handling of LP Gas
- AS/NZS 4645 Gas distribution networks
- AS/NZS 5601 Gas installations
- AS 2658 LP Gas-Portable and mobile appliances.
AS 3814 Industrial and commercial gas-fired appliances. This standard is used in conjunction with AS/NZS 5601 and is mainly for the installation of type “B” appliances and is referenced in AS/NZS 5601.