
Consultation open for new asbestos guides

The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency is consulting on the new Guidelines for communicating about asbestos risk which have been developed by the Agency in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders.

Important information - Migration of monitored fire alarms and lift phones

With the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout now complete and the approaching completion of mass disconnection from the legacy copper network, a Disconnection Date of 18 March 2022 has now been set for remaining fire and lift services connected to the legacy copper network.

COVID-19 incident notification requirements

With the increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in the Northern Territory, it is important that Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs) understand the COVID-19 notification requirements under the Work Health and Safety Laws.

Invitation to the Workplace Sexual Harassment National Forum

A national forum will be held to raise awareness about workplace sexual harassment risks, management and prevention along with other state and territory regulators, Comcare and Safe Work Australia.

Heatwave warning

[Updated 2 Dec] A severe heatwave is forecasted for the Top End, East Arnhem and Big Rivers (Katherine) regions over the next few days.

2021 Territory Day fireworks campaign

NT WorkSafe regulates the safe transport, storage and sale of fireworks for Territory Day celebrations. Fireworks are classified as dangerous goods and are regulated under the Dangerous Goods Regulations 1998.

Fireworks approved periods for Territory Day 2021

The fireworks approved periods have been gazetted for the revised date for Territory Day celebrations.

New grant opportunity

Safe Work Australia has released a grant opportunity to fund high-quality research projects into interventions to manage work related psychosocial hazards.

New date for 2021 Territory Day celebrations

The Chief Minister has announced that the new date for the 2021 Territory Day celebrations is Sunday 29 August.

Key Work Health and Safety Statistics 2019-20*

Infographics for the key work health and safety statistics for the financial year 2019-20*. The data provides an overview of the latest workers compensation and work-related fatality statistics for the Northern Territory.