
Feedback sought on amendments to laws to introduce industrial manslaughter

The Economic Policy Scrutiny Committee is seeking comments and feedback on the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Amendment Bill 2019 which will introduce the new offence of industrial manslaughter.

Amendments to the Work Health and Safety Regulations

Amendments have been made to the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Regulations 2011, more specifically the regulations dealing with Lead and Diving.

Government response to best practice review of workplace health and safety in the NT

On 5 May 2018, the Northern Territory Government announced a best practice review into workplace health and safety in the NT.

Ryan’s legacy to improve safety culture in commercial fishing industry

The death of Ryan Donoghue in 2013 on a fishing vessel in the Gulf of Carpentaria has left a lasting legacy in the Australian commercial fishing industry.

Wiring rules and non-compliances

2019 marks a milestone year for the electrical industry in Australia and New Zealand with the implementation of a new set of ASNZS3000 wiring rules.

Don’t risk your home or the safety of your family, always use a licensed electrician

​If you need an electrician and you’re tempted by those Facebook posts advertising cheap electrical work, stop and ask yourself, is saving a few bucks worth risking your home or life if the person isn’t licensed?

Call for nominations - Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Advisory Council

​The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice invites nominations for the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Advisory Council.

Safety and monsters - practical and relevant case studies for territory business

The 7th annual NT WHS symposium will be held at the Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus on October 25 and 26.

Best practice review of workplace health and safety in the NT

​On 5 May 2018, the Northern Territory Government announced a best practice review into workplace health and safety in the NT.

Entry permit validity after amalgamation of three unions

The Fair Work Commission has approved the amalgamation of three unions.