
Construction project trigger point value increase

​On 4 April 2016, the trigger point value of a construction project will increase to $500,000.

New look NT WorkSafe website

​The new NT WorkSafe website is now live.

Express your views about workplace chemical exposure standards

​Safe Work Australia is holding a public consultation process about exposure standards for hazardous chemicals used in workplaces.

Virtual Seminar Series 2015

​The Virtual Seminar Series (VSS) is a free online event run throughout National Safe Work Month in October. Each weekday a new seminar will be made available showcasing the latest thinking, innovation, research and developments in work health and safety.

Workers' compensation amendments commence

The amendments contained in the second Return to Work Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 have now commenced.

Asbestos identified in crayons sold within Australia

The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency has released a consumer and retailer alert after trace amounts of asbestos have been detected in some brands of children's crayons that have been imported into Australia.

Amendments to Workers' Compensation Legislation

Significant amendments were made to the NT 'Workers' Rehabilitation and Compensation Act' following completion of the review of the scheme in 2014.

Explosives Regulation in Australia - Public comment period now open

Businesses, industries, workers and the wider community are encouraged to express their views about how explosives are regulated across Australia and on any issues differences in explosives legislation across Australian jurisdictions may have for them.

Is your OHS Licence expiring?

​Holders of an OHS Licence issued between 1 January 2005 and 30 June 2010 are reminded to upgrade to a High Risk Work Licence before 30 June 2015.

New safety guide for NT Seafood Industry

​A new guide has been produced to assist the Northern Territory Seafood Industry understand and manage their work health and safety requirements. The guide was produced in collaboration between NT WorkSafe and the Northern Territory Seafood Council.