Body Worn Cameras

WorkSafe Inspectors use Body Worn Cameras (BWC) as part of their operational equipment.

The BWC is a recording device worn by our inspectors during a workplace visit.

The audio and video recordings captured by the BWC will assist our inspectors with their enquiries and investigations involving workplace incidents.

Our WorkSafe Inspectors are also workers who have the right to be safe while at work and the use of BWC will encourage respectful and safe interactions between our inspectors and individuals in a workplace.

How will inspectors use BWC?

Inspectors will attach the BWC to the front of their uniform for visibility.

In activating the BWC, inspectors will consider a number of factors such as:

  • the need to capture evidence
  • accountability
  • community expectations
  • contentious situations
  • inspector safety and protection
  • involvement of vulnerable people, and
  • any other existing relevant factors.

Prior to a BWC being activated to record, inspectors will advise the person(s) being recorded of the presence of the device and that it will be recording their actions and conversations.

If it is not practicable to do so before or at the time of the interaction, the disclosure will be provided as soon as is reasonably practicable after activating the recording.

When will inspectors use BWC?

Inspectors may use BWC in the following circumstances:

  • to capture evidence or record something of relevance
  • when exercising a power or performing a function, and
  • conversations with members of the public which may relate to an incident, notification and/or safety concern, and/or the information being obtained is relevant to an investigation, or contains possibly valuable information.

Who else are authorised to wear and operate BWC?

NT WorkSafe investigators are also authorised to use BWC to assist with their investigative duties.

All inspectors and investigators have undertaken the required training to operate BWC.

What if I don’t want to be recorded?

Inspectors will note your objection, however under s165(d) of the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011, inspectors have the power to make records including photographs, films, audio, video and digital recordings.

Inspectors will not make recording of private activities in the workplace.

Where will the information collected from BWC be stored?

The audio-visual footages captured by the BWC will be stored in a secure evidence management system.

The recordings will be managed in compliance with relevant legislations including the Information Act 2002, the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 and the Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011.

How will I access BWC records?

Freedom of Information (FOI) provides members of the public a general right to make requests to access government information in accordance with the Information Act 2002.

All requests for access to NT WorkSafe BWC recordings under FOI must be directed to the Attorney-General's Department:

Phone: 08 8935 7426
Postal address: GPO Box 1722, Darwin NT 0801