Electrical Safety Board

The Electrical Safety Board is established under Division 2 of the Electrical Safety Act 2022.

The functions of the board is to:

  • advise the Minister about electrical safety issues in the Territory, elsewhere in Australia and abroad
  • respond to issues the Minister refers to it
  • review the efficacy of the provisions of the Act, the regulations, ministerial notices and codes of practice
  • develop and maintain a strategic plan for improving electrical safety
  • promote electrical safety in workplaces and in the community
  • give advice and make recommendations to the Utilities Commission, on request, about the energy efficiency and performance of electrical equipment
  • take disciplinary action under Part 6 through its Discipline Committee.


The Board will consist of the following eight members:

  • the Electrical Safety Regulator, who is the chairperson of the Board
  • the Discipline Committee chairperson appointed under section 109(2).

The following six will be appointed by the Minister:

  • a representative of employers of electrical workers
  • a representative of electrical workers
  • a representative of the community
  • a representative of electrical entities
  • a representative of the Territory
  • a representative of electrical training bodies.

When appointing the members, each person’s practical experience and competence in relation to electrical safety is considered by the Minister.

  • The Discipline Committee is established as a committee of the Board.

    The functions of the Discipline Committee are to:

    • take disciplinary action against individuals with or previously holding an electrical licence; and
    • other functions of the disciplinary committee outlined in the Electrical Safety Act 2022.

    The Discipline Committee is a minimum of three members and consists of:

    The Chairperson of the Discipline Committee;

    • the Board member appointed by the Minister to represent electrical worker employers
    • the Board member appointed by the Minister to represent electrical workers and
    • another Board member, chosen by the Board intermittently.

    The Chairperson appointed by the Minister must be a legal practitioner with at least 5 years of practice in the Territory.

    A committee of the Board provides a report on its performance after each meeting

Call for nominations

Nominations are now open for positions on the inaugural Electrical Safety Board. Nominations must be submitted using the nomination form below.

Nominations close on  Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Please send the completed nomination forms to:

NT WorkSafe Council Secretariat
Department of Attorney-General and Justice
GPO Box 1722
DARWIN  NT  0801

or email to: agd.ntworksafeadministration@nt.gov.au

For enquiries, please contact the Council Secretariat on 8999 5120 or via the email above.