Key Work Health and Safety Statistics 2019-20*

Work-related fatalities under investigation

The image shows a grey icon of a dove and the number 6.

The six work-related fatalities that occurred in the 2019-20 financial year are currently under investigation.

Please note this figure only includes work-related fatalities investigated by NT WorkSafe. Some fatalities in the Northern Territory may fall in the jurisdiction of other national agencies.

Work-related fatalities by industry

The image shows four icons representing the four industry groups which at a work-related fatality. The construction industry had 3 fatalities. Manufacturing, Cultural and recreational services and the Mining industry had one fatality each.

Work-related fatalities by mechanism of incident

The image shows a stacked bar graph showing each fatality by mechanism of incident. One construction fatality was being hit by moving object. Three fatalities were a result of Falls from height. One Falls related fatality occurred in each of the following industries, Construction, Manufacturing  and Cultural and recreational services.

Workers' compensation claims

The image shows an icon of a man with a broken leg and arm in a sling. Next to the icon is a circular gauge over a quarter full with the label 30.3% serious.

There were 1914 claims accepted in 2019-20 financial year, 580 or 30.3% of the claims were for serious injuries where the worker needed at least one week off due to their injuries.

Industries with highest proportion of serious injury claims

Over half (56.9%) of the serious injury claims occurred in five industry sectors.

The image shows five icons representing industry sectors and the proportion of serious injury claims for each industry. Construction 14.3%, Health & Community Services 14%, 10.5% Government administration & defence 10.5%, Agriculture, forestry & fishing 10.3%, Accommodation, cafe's & restaurants 7.8%.

Main mechanism of injury for serious injury claims

Three mechanisms of injury caused 80.8% of the serious injuries.

This image shows three icons representing the three mechanisms of injury with the highest proportion of serious injuries. Body stressing 29.1%, being hit by moving object 28.4%, falls, slips and trips of a person 23.3%.

Main injury types for serious injury claims

This image shows three icons representing three injury types that had the highest proportion of claims. Traumatic joint/ligament and muscle/tendon injury 45%, Wounds, lacerations, amputations and internal organ damage 19.8% and fractures 12.6%.

Serious injury claims - worker age and gender

This image shows the serious injury claims by age and gender. The proportion of serious injuries by age are, under 25 14.1%, 25-34 26.9%, 35-44 19.0%, 45-54 20.9%, 55-64 14.7%, 65 and over 4.5%. The serious injuries by gender was female 32.9% and male 67.1%.

Worker occupations with the highest proportion of serious injury claims

The three worker occupation with the highest proportion of serious injuries was Farm hand 56 serious injury claims or 9.1% of total claims. Prison Officer and Truck Driver, both with 22 or 3.6% of total claims.

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Explanatory Notes

* Preliminary data subject to revision in subsequent years as claims are finalised.