News & Events

Safety alert issued after two barbeque gas explosions

NT WorkSafe has issued a safety alert to anyone who has built-in gas barbeques at their premises.

Bus Company commits $660k to improve safety

NT WorkSafe has accepted a $660k enforceable undertaking from Buslink NT Pty Ltd over the tragic death of a bus driver, who was fatally injured as a result of a bus rollaway incident in 2017.

Key Work Health and Safety Statistics 2019-20*

Infographics for the key work health and safety statistics for the financial year 2019-20*. The data provides an overview of the latest workers compensation and work-related fatality statistics for the Northern Territory.

Work health and safety statistics highlight areas of focus

Key work health and safety statistics for the Northern Territory have been published as part of National Safe Work Month. One of the national sub-themes for this year’s event is ‘using data to make your workplace safe’.

Get your workplace involved in National Safe Work Month

Registrations are now open for the Northern Territory’s National Safe Work Month events. Held annually in October, National Safe Work Month is a time for employers and workers to focus on and review their work health and safety practices, and commit to improving health and safety in the workplace.

Safety alert issued over dangers of using pressurised canisters

NT WorkSafe has issued a safety alert to highlight the dangers of using pressurised canisters.

Cattle Company pleads guilty to failures that led to serious injuries

The owners of Ambalindum Station in Central Australia have been convicted and fined $30,000 over a 2018 incident in which two workers were seriously injured after a man cage they were in detached and fell from a telehandler as they were being lifted.

Worker guilty of hindering WorkSafe investigation

The Alice Springs Local Court has convicted and fined a worker $4,000 for hindering a NT WorkSafe investigation into a serious incident at Ambalindum Station in Central Australia.

Statement on Katherine Fatality

NT WorkSafe has commenced an investigation after receiving notification that a 37-year-old male worker has died after falling from the tracks of an excavator.

Expanded on-the-spot fines for work health and safety offences

Twenty one new infringeable offences have been added to the Territory’s work health and safety laws, giving WorkSafe Inspectors wider scope to issue on-the-spot fines to businesses and workers found breaking the law.