News & Events
Requirement to protect PVC cables from polymeric insulation materials
NT WorkSafe reminds the electrical industry, electrical contractors and electrical workers of the requirement to protect PVC cables from contact with polymeric insulating materials such as polystyrene and polyurethane as required by the wiring rules (AS/NZS3000).
Lack of training and not following manufacturer guidelines contributing to incidents involving plant
Four separate incidents have occurred in the last three months involving plant, with a lack of training and not following manufacturer guidelines contributing to all incidents. Three of the incidents resulted in injuries to workers.
New resources available to assist with Positive Duty requirements
NT WorkSafe has published new resources to help Persons Conducting a Business and Undertaking (PCBU) to understand and comply with new legal requirements that commenced earlier this year due to changes to the Northern Territory’s Anti-Discrimination laws.
Darwin construction company convicted and fined over 2020 workplace death, appeals verdict
The Northern Territory Supreme Court will hear an appeal from Darwin Construction Company Kalidonis NT Pty Ltd, after the Darwin Local Court convicted and fined the construction company over the death of 50-year-old worker Mr Paul Leach who was working on the barge landing upgrades in Maningrida.
Review of the engineered stone ban – public consultation now open
Safe Work Australia is seeking feedback on the operation of the engineered stone ban, which came into effect on 1 July 2024 to help protect workers from exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
Solar installer fined after early guilty plea for putting workers at risk
A solar installer who inadvertently sent evidence to NT WorkSafe of work health and safety breaches despite already facing similar charges from the regulator has been convicted and fined yesterday in the Darwin Local Court after entering early guilty pleas.
Workers wearing heavy PPE warned to take extra precautions during heatwaves
Two Territory workers wearing heavy personal protective equipment (PPE) have been hospitalised with heat related illnesses in the last three months despite their worksites having adequate systems, facilities and hydration supplies in place to manage heat.
Unsecured septic tanks lids still being found in the Northern Territory despite previous warning
NT WorkSafe is again urging all workplaces across the Territory to check septic tank lids on their property to ensure they are safe and secured. The call extends to organisations that manage or maintain residential properties with septic tanks as part of their business or undertaking.
Workers undertaking high risk training not valid in the Northern Territory
NT WorkSafe is warning businesses and workers to check the accreditation of assessors before paying for high risk work licence training.
Prepare worksites for the severe weather season
NT WorkSafe reminds businesses to secure worksites as storm activity increases with the onset of the build-up. The cyclone season also officially commences this week on 1 November.