News & Events

Online Electrical Certificate of Compliance now available for use

The online Electrical Certificate of Compliance (CoC) is now available for licenced Northern Territory electrical contractors and workers to use.

Consultation open on the draft model Code of Practice: Managing fatigue risks at work

Safe Work Australia is developing the draft model Code of Practice: Managing fatigue risks at work. The draft model code of Practice aims to provide practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks related to fatigue at work.

Online Electrical Certificate of Compliance going live next week

The online electrical Certificate of Compliance will be live and available for industry use on Tuesday 22 October 2024.

Garden Maintenance Company and worker charged over refuelling fireball

NT WorkSafe has charged a Darwin based Garden Maintenance Company and one of its worker’s over a refuelling incident which resulted in a worker receiving serious burn injuries and the vehicle being refuelled written off.

Territory workers continue to ignore falls from height risks

NT WorkSafe is reminding all businesses and workers of the risks of working at heights, and the requirements to manage those risks.

Extreme heatwave conditions forecasted for the western Top End

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a forecast for extreme heatwave conditions over parts of the western Top End starting today.

October is National Safe Work Month

National Safe Work Month, held annually in October, encourages all Territorians and Territory organisations to prioritise work health and safety (WHS) and take action to reduce the number of work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths.

Free gap training placements available for Overseas Qualified Electricians

20 free placements are available for the accredited course 10809NAT - Course in Electrician - Minimum Australian Context Gap.

Cattle company commits to spend $200k on safety improvement after serious crush injury

Queensland based cattle company Vermelha Pty Ltd and company director Mr Hoang Diep Nguyen has entered into an enforceable undertaking to spend $200k on safety improvements after being charged over a serious crush injury that resulted in a worker’s arm being amputated.

Stronger regulations commence to protect workers against silica dust exposure

Stronger regulations on processing crystalline silica substances have commenced in the Northern Territory with amendments to Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Regulation 2011.