News & Events

Two companies charged after worker suffers serious injuries falling 3 metres

NT WorkSafe has charged two construction companies after a worker was seriously injured falling from the roof of a primary school in Darwin’s northern suburbs.

Statement - Workplace incident at Tennant Creek Fire Station

NT WorkSafe has been notified that 34 year old male worker has been electrocuted performing roofing work at the Tennant Creek Fire Station.

Statement - Workplace incident at Palmerston Police Station construction site

NT WorkSafe has commenced an investigation into the workplace incident that occurred yesterday at the Palmerston Police Station (20 February 2019).

Ryan’s legacy to improve safety culture in commercial fishing industry

The death of Ryan Donoghue in 2013 on a fishing vessel in the Gulf of Carpentaria has left a lasting legacy in the Australian commercial fishing industry.

Shipping company pleads guilty over deckhand’s death

A Darwin shipping company has been convicted and fined $190,000 in the Darwin Local Court after the death of the 37 year old deckhand Daniel Bradshaw.

Wiring rules and non-compliances

2019 marks a milestone year for the electrical industry in Australia and New Zealand with the implementation of a new set of ASNZS3000 wiring rules.

WRCAC Communique November 2018

The Workers' Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council met on 8 November 2018. The Council gave approval for the following communique of the minutes to be published on the NT WorkSafe website.

Don’t risk your home or the safety of your family, always use a licensed electrician

​If you need an electrician and you’re tempted by those Facebook posts advertising cheap electrical work, stop and ask yourself, is saving a few bucks worth risking your home or life if the person isn’t licensed?

Call for nominations - Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Advisory Council

​The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice invites nominations for the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Advisory Council.

$200k committed to safety after illegal asbestos removal

​A Darwin based manufacturing and building company has committed to spend more than $200,000 to improve asbestos awareness and safety in the Northern Territory after being charged with illegal asbestos removal.