News & Events

Feedback sought on options to improve WHS incident notification framework

Safe Work Australia is seeking your feedback on potential options to improve the coverage and operation of the incident notification provisions in the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws.

2023 Territory Day fireworks campaign

NT WorkSafe has completed a fireworks safety campaign for this year’s Territory Day.

Warning issued to workplaces using forklifts

NT WorkSafe has issued a Safety Alert warning of the dangers of using fuel-powered (petrol/LPG/Diesel) forklifts in an enclosed or poorly ventilated area.

Electrician lucky to escape arc flash injury

An electrician was lucky to escape serious injury after an arc flash occurred in the electrical sub-board he was working on.

Call for nominations – Work Health and Safety Advisory Council

Nominations are open for interested persons to join the Work Health and Safety Advisory Council.

Further amendment to new psychosocial regulations

A further amendment has been made to the new work health and safety regulations on psychosocial hazards which commenced on 1 July 2023.

Amusement ride checks underway to ensure safety at regional shows

NT WorkSafe will be carrying out compliance checks on a range of amusement rides as this year’s show circuit kicks off.

WorkSafe inspectors to trial use of body worn cameras

NT WorkSafe inspectors have commenced a six-month trial of the use of body worn cameras (BWC).

Public urged to be safe and compliant this Territory Day

As ‘cracker night’ returns on Territory Day, NT WorkSafe urges everyone to celebrate with fireworks the safe way.

Amusement Ride Operator fails in attempt to challenge infringement notices

A Darwin amusement ride operator who elected to challenge in court, infringement notices issued to him by NT WorkSafe Inspectors has been convicted and fined $5,000 in the Darwin Local Court.