News & Events

Workplace exposure standard lowered for welding fumes

The new workplace exposure standard for welding fumes (not otherwise classified) takes effect in the Northern Territory from 18 January 2024.

Calling for nominations for the Work Health and Safety Advisory Council

Nominations are opening for a vacancy on the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice’s Work Health and Safety Advisory Council.

Safety alert issued after worker almost crushed to death by forklift load

NT WorkSafe has issued a safety alert highlighting the risk of serious injury or death when using a forklift, especially when exclusion zones are not maintained around operating forklifts.

Safety alert issued on using LP gas cylinder adaptors

NT WorkSafe has issued a safety alert for owners of LP gas appliances that use small portable LP gas cylinders not to use adaptors to connect their gas appliance to the gas cylinder.

Latest amendments to the Work Health and Safety Regulations

Amendments have been made to the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Regulations 2011, which will take effect from 22 December 2023.

Safety alert issued after apprentice falls from roof after electric shock

NT WorkSafe has issued a safety alert reminding electrical contractors and workers of the electrical risks that could exist in ceiling spaces and the requirement to manage the risk of falls.

Butane canister explosion injures kitchen staff

A worker suffered burn injuries last week in Palmerston after a butane gas canister exploded in a kitchen.

New guide on managing heavy vehicle driver fatigue published

NT WorkSafe has published new guidance material on managing the risks of fatigue when driving heavy vehicles.

Worker suffers burns after arc flash incident

Last month, a refrigeration worker suffered arc flash burns while working on an electrical cubicle of a newly installed chiller, which had been imported into Australia.

Work Health and Safety Advisory Council

The Work Health and Safety Advisory Council met on Monday, 20 November 2023, and discussed various items.