News & Events
Safety and monsters - practical and relevant case studies for territory business
The 7th annual NT WHS symposium will be held at the Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus on October 25 and 26.
Statement - Crocodile attack East Arnhem
NT WorkSafe has been notified that a female Aboriginal Ranger has been taken by a crocodile approximately 206km south west of Yirrkala.
Take a moment for safety this October
NT WorkSafe is encouraging all Territorians to take a moment to focus on safety during October for National Safe Work Month.
Neutral links in meter boxes
This is a technical update for electrical contractors.
RSPCA to benefit from WHS sanction
The Darwin branch of the RSPCA will be one of the beneficiaries of a work health and safety (WHS) sanction, after NT WorkSafe accepted a proposed enforceable undertaking from a Darwin tiling company.
Solar PV installation over 30 KW
This is a technical update for solar installers.
Statement - Reported fireworks Injury at Darwin Festivals
NT WorkSafe has commenced an investigation into the incident at the Darwin Festival where a worker suffered burns injuries.
Charges laid over death of itinerant man
NT WorkSafe has charged supermarket giant Woolworths Ltd and Victorian based transport and warehouse company Glen Cameron Nominees Pty Ltd over the death of a 47 year old itinerant man from Maningrida.
Best practice review of workplace health and safety in the NT
On 5 May 2018, the Northern Territory Government announced a best practice review into workplace health and safety in the NT.
Amendments to AS/NZS5033:2014 Installation and safety requirements for photovoltaic (PV) arrays
This is a technical update for solar installers.