News & Events
2020-21 key NT work health and safety statistics
NT WorkSafe has published the 2020-21 key work health and safety statistics for the Northern Territory. The statistics provide information on the workers compensation claims made in the Northern Territory, including information on work related fatalities that occurred in that period currently under investigation.
Safety alert issued after lightning strike fatality of seasonal worker
NT WorkSafe has issued an important Safety Alert reminding businesses and workers of the risks associated with lightning strikes.
Media Statement - Lightning Strike Incident
NT WorkSafe has commenced enquiries after receiving notification on Tuesday 23 November that a worker being injured from a lightning strike incident.
Invitation to the Workplace Sexual Harassment National Forum
A national forum will be held to raise awareness about workplace sexual harassment risks, management and prevention along with other state and territory regulators, Comcare and Safe Work Australia.
Amusement ride operator is guilty over 2019 Freds Pass Show crash
The amusement ride operator of the Octopus Ride which malfunctioned and crashed in 2019, injuring two passengers, was convicted and given a total financial penalty of $30,000 in the Northern Territory Local Court in Darwin today.
Heatwave warning
[Updated 2 Dec] A severe heatwave is forecasted for the Top End, East Arnhem and Big Rivers (Katherine) regions over the next few days.
Safety focus turns to risk of falls in workplaces in Safe Work Month
WorkSafe Inspectors will turn their focus to the risk of falls in workplaces this week as part of their proactive engagement with industry during National Safe Work Month.
Unacceptable risk taking when working at heights in construction
NT WorkSafe is reminding all businesses and workers of the risks of working at heights, and the requirements, especially in the Construction Industry, to manage those risks.
Body stressing main cause of injury
Body stressing is a collective term covering a broad range of health problems associated with repetitive and strenuous work. Typical body stressing injuries that occur at the workplace (commonly known as musculoskeletal disorders) include strains and sprains, back or neck injuries, and tendonitis/tenosynovitis.
Early guilty pleas result in combined penalty of $25,000 over 2019 electric shock incident
A director and two New South Wales based companies involved in operating the now closed Alice in the Territory Resort, were handed a combined penalty of $25,000 yesterday morning in the Northern Territory Local Court in Alice Springs over a 2019 serious electrical shock incident.